
Not related to the Salmon of Doubt Actually a wanabe eclectic, proto collaborative effort by Josh Scott-Jouir to complete the course requirements for ed4134 in June 2006. To contact me send email to the first part of this web address (remove http:// and AT yahoo DOT com DOT au.

The Task V3 & V1 (2006-06-07)

Kathryn Cleary clarified the task further to this:

ED 4134

The Blogs you have been working on in ED4134 and will complete on the 24th of June with Allan need to contain the following items, in addition to your responses to the "exam" questions you have been given:
  • A copy and paste from a word document that you have created, e.g. a critical reflection on 3 of the constructivists, formatted…..
  • A mind map (using Inspiration or similar software); once again this will need to be copied and pasted from a word document. It may be used as part of an answer to one of the questions on the exam paper.
  • Graphics, for example, charts, diagrams, pictures of constructivist theorists, Steiner...
  • An excel graph or chart or spreadsheet e.g. if you were to include the grade book you designed in ED1113 you may like to talk about how excel can be applied as a cognitive tool, or whether you view traditional grade books as stark contrasts to the views of Gardner who recognises 9 intelligences, or the theories of Steiner.
Blogger does not support uploading files such as PowerPoint and Photo Story and the option we were originally looking at to include these media in your Blogs is not viable. The outcome of this is that you don’t need to have PowerPoint or Photo Story in your Blog.

In essence, your Blog needs to communicate what you have / are learning, not just information you are gathering. Through the Blog you are constructing your knowledge as a teacher and reflecting on how ICLT's (information communication learning technologies can help you do this).

Enjoy blogging!
But the original task was this:

To prepare a Blog that is yours that has on it your learnings today about the use of ICT in learning

The Blog could have three components:

1. A discussion, reflection on the relevance of the Constructivist approach to education. Mention as a minimum

* Piaget
* Vygotsky
* Brunner
* Gardner

2. The nature of a Distributed Learning Environment and the possibility of deeper, higher order learning

* Action research
* Distributed Learning Environment

3. The eclectic nature of the construction of a piece of work. The gathering of existing ideas and the application of reflection

* Descriptive
* Self
* Critical

to the information to inform it with your own deeper learnings, images and reflections and so create something new

A.J. Coman 27-5-06


At 2:33 pm, Blogger ANTHONY said...

Josh, you're a legend!


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